University of Baltimore Moot Court Room
1429 Maryland Avenue
April 8, 2005


A. Call to Order - Regent Kendall

B. Welcome from President Bogomolny, UB

C. Committee of the Whole

    1. Minutes from the February 18, 2005 meeting (action)
    2. Presentation of 2005 Regent's Faculty Awards
    3. a. Dr. Rosemary Jagus (COMB) and Dr. Eric May (UMES) Collaboration in Teaching

      b. Dr. Miranda Schreurs (UMCP and Professor Robert Percival (UMB) - Collaboration in Teaching

      c. Dr. Marylu McEwen (UMCP) - Mentoring

      d. Professor Enrique Codas (UMB) - Public Service

      e. Dr. Clara Small (SU) - Public Service

      f. Dr. Warren I. Cohen (UMBC) - Research/Scholarship/Creative Activity

      g. Dr. David T. Levy (UB) - Research/Scholarship/Creative Activity

      h. Dr. Diane K. Stoecker (UMCES) - Research/Scholarship/Creative Activity

      i. Dr. Paz Galupo (TU) - Teaching

      j. Dr. John Pease (UMCP) - Teaching

      k. Dr. Maynard Mack (UMCP) - Teaching

    4. Chancellor's Report - Dr. Kirwan
    5. Appointment of Board Nominating Committee - Regent Kendall

D. Report of the Councils

1. Council of University System Presidents - President Bogomolny

2. Council of University System Faculty - Dr. Richardson

3. Council of University System Staff - Mr. Crockett

4. University System Student Council - Mr. Aragon

E. Committee on Education Policy - Regent Florestano

1. Minutes of March 18, 2005 Meeting

2. Creating a Four-Year Undergraduate Program at the University

of Baltimore (action)

3. New Program Proposals (action)

a. UMUC: Bachelor of Science in Gerontology

b. UMUC: Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Homeland Security

4. School of Public Health (information)

5. Report on Racial and Gender Distribution of Faculty in USM (information)

6. Report on External Funding

7. Intercollegiate Athletics: - (information)

a. Annual Reports on Intercollegiate Athletics from USM Institutions

b. Academic Progress Rates at NCAA Division I Institutions

8. Report on USM Regional Centers at Shady Grove and Hagerstown (information)

9. USM Enrollment Projections, 2005-2014 (information)

10. K-16 Update (information)

F. Committee on Finance - Regent Nevins

    1. Minutes of the March 17, 2005 Meeting
    2. Self-Support Charges and Fees for FY 2006 (action)
    3. Rescission of BOR VII-5.50 - Policy on Endowment Funds Investment Objectives (action)
    4. Proposed Amendment to the Nonexempt Staff Employees Salary Structure (action)
    5. UMB: Student Dental Clinics Management Contract (action)
    6. UMBC: Food Service Contract Renewal (action)
    7. USM Enrollment Projections: 2005-2014 (action)
    8. USM: Minority Business Enterprise Activity Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2004 (information)
    9. USM: Report on FY 2004 Procurement Contract (information)

G. Report of the Workgroups

1. Capital Campaign Work Group - Regent Houghton

2. E&E Work Group Report - Regent Kendall

H. New Business

1. University of Baltimore Mission Statement - Regent Florestano

I. Adjournment