Board of Regents

Committee on Education Policy

January 25, 2006

9:30 a.m.

University of Maryland, College Park


Action Items

  1. New Program Proposals.
    1. TU: Master of Science in Forensic Science.
    2. UMB: Doctor of Nursing Practice.
    3. UMBC: Bachelor of Arts in Management of Aging Services.
  2. Proposed USM Policy on the Creation/Establishment of New Schools and Colleges.
  3. Information/Discussion Items

  4. Report on Academic Advising: University of Baltimore (Robert Hradsky, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs).
  5. Report on Activities of the USM Library Directors. (Charles Lowry, UMCP, and Barbara Gontrum, Law/UMB)
  6. Results of Periodic Reviews of Academic Programs.
  7. Financial Aid Report FY 2000 - 2004.