Board of Regents

Committee on Education Policy

November 16, 2005

9:30 a.m.

Bowie State University


Action Items

  1. New Program Proposals. There are no new academic program proposal for consideration at this meeting.
  2. Information/Discussion Items

  3. Update: School of Public Health, UMB and UMCP.
  4. Report on the Workload of the USM Faculty.
  5. Reports on Academic Advising:
    1. Bowie State University. Dr. Patricia Pierce Ramsey, Provost, and Ms. Carlene Wilson, University Registrar.
    2. Towson University. Dr. Deborah Leather, Associate Provost, Office of Academic Affairs.
  6. Report on MHEC Student Outcomes Assessment Report (SOAR).
  7. Status Report on USM Financial Aid Task Force Report Recommendations.