Towson University
University Union
Chesapeake Room 1
February 10, 2006

Agenda for Public Session
8: 30 a.m.


A. Call to Order Chairman Nevins

B. Welcome from Towson University President Caret

C. Committee of the Whole

  1. Approval of Minutes from December 9, 2005 meeting (action)
  2. Chancellor Kirwan's Report
  3. Amendment to Policy on Highly Compensated Individuals (VII-10.0)
  4. (action)

  5. Student Misconduct Policy (action)

D. Report of the Councils

1. Council of University System Presidents - President Bogomolny

2. Council of University System Faculty - Dr. Siegel

3. Council of University System Staff - Mr. Hill

4. University System Student Council - Mr. Aragon

  1. Education Policy Committee Regent Florestano
    1. Minutes of the Education Policy Meeting, January 25, 2005
    2. New Program Proposals (action)
      1. TU: Master of Science in Forensic Science
      2. UMB: Doctor of Nursing Practice
      3. UMBC: Bachelor of Arts in Aging Services
    3. Proposed USM Policy on the Creation/Establishment of New Schools and Colleges.
    4. Report on Academic Advising: University of Baltimore (Robert Hradsky, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs) (information)
    5. Report on Activities of the USM Library Directors (Charles Lowry, UMCP and Barbara Gontrum, Law/UMB) (information)
    6. Results of Periodic Reviews of Academic Programs. (information)
    7. Financial Aid Report FY 2000-2004. (information)

F. Finance Committee Regent Pevenstein

    1. Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting, Thursday, January 26, 2006
    2. Proposed Amendment to the Exempt Staff Employees Salary Structures (action)
    3. University of Maryland, College Park: Natural Gas Procurement (action)
    4. University of Maryland, College Park: USM Aggregated Electrical Procurement (action)
    5. University of Maryland, College Park: Travel and Travel Card Services Contract (action)
    6. University of Maryland, College Park: Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Equipment and Services Agreement (action)
    7. University of Maryland, College Park: Increase the Authorization for the Renovation of Laboratories in the Institute for Physical Sciences and Technology Building (action)
    8. University of Maryland, Baltimore: Dental Student Clinics Management Contract (action)
    9. University of Maryland, Baltimore: Renewal of System-wide Scientific Supplies Contract (action)
    10. Financial Aid Report FY 2000-2004 (information)

G. Audit Committee Report Regent Gill

H. Update on Innovation & Commercialization Workgroup Regent Gill

I. New Business

J. Adjourn