University of Baltimore
Student Center
Multi-Purpose Room
APRIL 7, 2006

Agenda for Public Session
9:00 a.m.

A. Call to Order Chairman Nevins

B. Welcome from UB President Bogomolny

C. Committee of the Whole

    1. Conferring of Regents Faculty Awards Chairman Nevins Chancellor Kirwan
    2. a. Mentoring: Professor Jose Felipe Anderson, UB

      b. Mentoring: Dr. Jillian Schwedler, UMCP

      c. Mentoring: Dr. Eugene Williams, SU

      d. Collaboration in Public Service: Dr. Bruce Jarrell, UMB

      Dr. Julie Ross, UMBC

      Dr. Taryn Bayles, UMBC

      e. Public Service: Dr. Marie Cavallaro, SU

      f. Public Service: Dr. Lenneal Henderson, UB

      g. Public Service: Dr. Shibley Telhami, UMCP

      h. Teaching: Dr. Gail Gasparich, TU

      i. Teaching: Dr. Jonathan Kays, UMCP Cooperative Extension

      j. Teaching: Dr. Jerome Miller, SU

      k. Research, Scholarship, Creative Activity: Dr. Angela Brodie, UMB

      l. Research, Scholarship, Creative Activity: Dr. Patricia Glibert, UMCES

      m. Research, Scholarship, Creative Activity: Dr. Robert Lande, UB

    3. Approval of Minutes from meeting of 2/10/06 (action)
    4. Chancellor Kirwan's Report

D. Report of the Councils

1. Council of University System Presidents - President Bogomolny

2. Council of University System Faculty - Dr. Siegel

3. Council of University System Staff - Mr. Hill

4. University System Student Council - Mr. Aragon

  1. Education Policy Committee Regent Florestano
  2. Minutes of 3/15/06 (information)

    1. New Program Proposals (action)
      1. CSU - Bachelor of Science in Allied Health Sciences with a Concentration in Health Information Management
      2. SU: Master of Arts in Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution
      3. SU: Master of Science in Geographic Information Systems in Public Administration
      4. UB: Bachelor of Science in Real Estate & Economic Development
      5. UMUC: Bachelor of Science in Investigative Forensics
      6. UMUC: Bachelor of Science in Political Science
    2. Report on Retention and Graduation in the USM (information)
    3. USM Enrollment Projections, 2006-2015 (information)
    4. Update on E+E Activities: Academic Candidate Items (information)
    5. Status Report on Institutional Practices for Alcohol Education (information)
    6. Biennial Report on Status of Agriculture Programs at UMCP and UMES (2004-2005) (information)

  3. Finance Committee Regent Pevenstein

Minutes of 3/16/06 (information)

    1. Self-Support Charges and Fees for FY 2007 (action)
    2. USM Enrollment Projections: 2006 - 2015 (action)
    3. University of Maryland Eastern Shore: Renovation of Student Development Center (action)
    4. University of Maryland, College Park: Request for Authorization to Construct an Additional to the Kim Engineering Building (action)
    5. University of Maryland, Baltimore County: Food Service Contract Renewal (action)
    6. Proposed FY 2006 Contract between the University of Maryland, Baltimore and the University of Maryland Medical System Corporation (action)
    7. University System of Maryland: Minority Business Enterprise Activity Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (information)
    8. University System of Maryland: Report on FY 2005 Procurement Contracts (information)
G. Audit and Inst. Assessment Committee Regent Gill

- Audit Committee Report (information)

H. Committee on Organization & Compensation Regent Mitchell

-Announcement of Board action of 2/10/06 on USM Coalition /AFSCME MOU "reopener" (information)