- Conferring of Regents Faculty Awards Chairman Nevins Chancellor Kirwan
a. Mentoring: Professor Jose Felipe Anderson, UB
b. Mentoring: Dr. Jillian Schwedler, UMCP
c. Mentoring: Dr. Eugene Williams, SU
d. Collaboration in Public Service: Dr. Bruce Jarrell, UMB
Dr. Julie Ross, UMBC
Dr. Taryn Bayles, UMBC
e. Public Service: Dr. Marie Cavallaro, SU
f. Public Service: Dr. Lenneal Henderson, UB
g. Public Service: Dr. Shibley Telhami, UMCP
h. Teaching: Dr. Gail Gasparich, TU
i. Teaching: Dr. Jonathan Kays, UMCP Cooperative Extension
j. Teaching: Dr. Jerome Miller, SU
k. Research, Scholarship, Creative Activity: Dr. Angela Brodie, UMB
l. Research, Scholarship, Creative Activity: Dr. Patricia Glibert, UMCES
m. Research, Scholarship, Creative Activity: Dr. Robert Lande, UB
- Approval of Minutes from meeting of 2/10/06 (action)
- Chancellor Kirwan's Report