University of Maryland, Baltimore
Saratoga Garage Building
Room 03-101

December 9, 2005

Agenda for Public Session 10:00 a.m.

A. Call to Order Chairman Nevins

B. Welcome from UMB President Ramsay

C. Committee of the Whole

    1. Approval of Minutes from October 21, 2005 meeting (action)
    2. Chancellor Kirwan's Report
    3. Discussion with Senator Mikulski on federal funding priorities
    4. UMBI: Amendment to lease of Columbus Center space to 180s, LLC (action)
    5. Amended Policy on Government Relations - IX-1.00-Policy of the Board of Regents (action)

D. Report of the Councils

1. Council of University System Presidents - President Bogomolny

2. Council of University System Faculty - Dr. Siegel

3. Council of University System Staff - Mr. Hill

4. University System Student Council - Mr. Aragon

E. Education Policy Committee Regent Florestano

  1. Minutes of November 16, 2005 (information)
  2. Update: School of Public Health, UMB and UMCP (information)
  3. Report on the Workload of the USM Faculty (information)
  4. Reports on Academic Advising: BSU and TU (information)
  5. Report on Student Outcomes Assessment Report (SOAR) (information)
  6. Status Report on the USM Financial Aid Task Force Recommendations (information)
  7. Review of Mission Statements - Report from meeting of December 1, 2005 (action)

F. Finance Committee Regent Pevenstein

    1. Summary of Actions - Meeting - November 17, 2005
    2. Employee Benefits - Section 457 (b) Deferred Compensation Plan and Trust Revision (action)
    3. Proposed Modifications to Board Policy on Facilities Renewal Spending (action)
    4. Proposed Board Guidelines regarding the Effect of Donor funding on Capital Priorities (action)
    5. University of Maryland, College Park: USM Aggregated Procurements for Lighting Retrofit (action)
    6. University of Maryland, College Park: Debt Consolidation/Refinancing and Amended and Restated Ground Lease for Three Student Housing Public Private Partnerships (action)
    7. University of Maryland, Baltimore County: Refinancing and Amendment to the Ground Lease for Walker Avenue Student Housing Public Private Partnerships(action)
    8. University System of Maryland, Baltimore: Addition to Pharmacy Learning Center (action)
    9. Contingent Category II Employee Conversion to Regular Status - Annual Report (information)
    10. University System of Maryland: Quarterly Review of Capital Improvement Projects (information)

G. Effectiveness and Efficiency - E&E (update) Chairman Nevins

H. Technology Transfer (information) Regent Gill

I. Adjourn