Meeting of the Committee on Finance
Public Session
March 16, 2006
  1. Self-Support Charges and Fees for FY 2007 (action)
  2. USM Enrollment Projections: 2006 - 2015 (action)
  3. University of Maryland Eastern Shore: Renovation of Student Development Center (action)
  4. University of Maryland, College Park: Request for Authorization to Construct an Addition to the Kim Engineering Building (action)
  5. University of Maryland, Baltimore County: Food Service Contract Renewal (action)
  6. Proposed FY 2006 Contract between the University of Maryland, Baltimore and the University of Maryland Medical System Corporation (action)*
  7. University System of Maryland: Minority Business Enterprise Activity Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (information)
  8. University System of Maryland: Report on FY 2005 Procurement Contracts (information)


* Agenda item was not available at the time of the mailing. Materials will be emailed to Board members beforehand and/or hand carried to the meeting.