Board of Regents
Committee on Education Policy
January 24, 2007
9:30 a.m.
University of Maryland, College Park
College Park, Maryland
Public Session
Action Items
1. Report on the Task Force on the Education of Maryland's
African-American Males.
2. New Academic Program Proposals
a. UMBC: B.A. in
Media and Communication Studies
b. UMBC: B.A. in
Gender and Women's Studies
c. UMBC: Ph.D. in
Geography and Environmental Systems
d. UMBC: M.A. in
Management of Aging Services
e. UMUC: B.S. in
Information Assurance
UMUC: B.S. in Emergency Management
g. UMUC: B.S. in
Homeland Security
Information/Discussion Items
3. Report on the Workload of the USM Faculty.
4. Middle States Commission on Higher Education: Reaffirmation
of Accreditation - UMES.
5. Maryland Higher
Education Commission Student Outcome and Achievement Report.
6. Report on USM Institutional SAT Profile.