University of Maryland, College Park
Orem Alumni Hall, Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center

June 22, 2007

AGENDA FOR PUBLIC SESSION                      8:30 A.M.

A.   Call to Order  Chairman Kendall
B.   Welcome from UMCP  President Mote

C. Committee of the Whole

  1. Approval of minutes from April 13, 2007
  2. Meeting Schedule for 2007-2008
  3. Resolutions for Outgoing Regents
  4. Nominating Committee 
  5. Chancellor’s Annual Report 
Chairman Kendall
Chancellor Kirwan

D.  Report of Councils

  1. Council of University System Presidents
  2. Council of University System Faculty
  3. Council of University System Staff
  4. University System of Student Council

President Thompson     
Dr. Parker
Mr. Lauer
Mr. Ellis
E.  Request to Address the Board 

F.  Education Policy Committee

  1. Establishment of University of Maryland School of Public Health at UMCP
  2. New Academic Program Proposals
    a. UMCP Master of Health Administration (action)
    b. UMCP Ph.D. in Health Services (action)
    c. UMCP Ph.D. in Epidemiology (action)
    d. UMCP Ph.D. in Maternal and Child Health (action)
    e. UMB MS Molecular Medicine (action)
    f.  UMBC BA Physics Education (action)
    g. UMBC MS Systems Engineering (action)
    h. UMES BS Engineering (action)
  3. K-16 Update (information)
  4. Annual Report on Intercollegiate Athletics (information)
    a. Institutional Reports to the Board of Regents for AY 2005-2006 (information)
    b. NCAA Division I Academic Progress Rates for AY 2005-2006 (information)
  5. Minority Achievement Status Report (information)
  6. Retention and Graduation Rates of First-time, Full-time, Degree-Seeking
    Undergraduates (information)
  7. Report on Financial Aid, 2000-2005 (information)
  8. Report on Program Actions Delegated to the Chancellor, 2006-2007 (information)
Regent Florestano

G.  Finance Committee

  1. FY 2009 Capital Budget Request; and FY 2009-2013
    Capital Improvement Program (action)
  2. FY 2008 System Funded Construction Program Request (action)
  3. College Loan Code of Conduct (action)*
    PDF File
  4. FY 2008 Operating Budget Status (information and discussion)
  5. Financial Aid Report FY 2000 - FY 2005 (information and presentation)
  6. University System of Maryland:  Report on FY 2006 Procurement Contracts (information)
  7. University System of Maryland:  Review of Capital Improvement Projects (information)
Regent Prevestein

 H. Audit and Inst. Assessment Committee  Regent Gill
 I.  Effectiveness & Efficiency Workgroup  Regent Nevins
 J.  Capital Campaign Workgroup  Regent Kendall

* - Materials to be provided