USM Seal
Board of Regents
Committee on Finance

June 8, 2017
Coppin State University

Agenda for Public Session

Call to Order Chairman Pevenstein

1. Convening Closed Session (action)*

2. FY 2018 System Funded Construction Program Request (action)

3. University System of Maryland: Thirty-Ninth Bond Resolution-Auxiliary Facility and Tuition Revenue Bonds (action)

4. Proposed Board of Regents Policy VIII-17.00-Policy on Public-Private Partnerships (action)

5. University System of Maryland: FY 2018 Operating Budget (action)

6. Proposed Amendment to USM Policy VIII-2.70-Policy on Student Classification for Admission and Tuition Purposes (action)

7. Proposed Amendment to USM Policy VII-8.05-Policy on Professional Conduct of Nonexempt and Exempt Staff Employees (action)

8. Proposed Amendment to USM Policy III-1.11-Policy on Conflicts of Interest in Research and Development (action)

9. Proposed Amendment to USM Policy II-2.40-Policy on Annual Leave for Faculty (action)

10. University of Baltimore: Proposed FY 2019 Regional J.D. Tuition Rate (action)

11. University of Maryland College Park: FY 2018 Joint Program on Survey Methodology Graduate Tuition Rate (action)

12. University of Maryland, Baltimore: Facilities Master Plan Update (action)

13. University of Maryland, Baltimore: Sale of the Donaldson Brown Center (action)

14. Proposed FY 2018 Contract between the University of Maryland, Baltimore and the University of Maryland Medical System Corporation (action)

15. 2017 USM Dashboard Indicators (information)

16. University System of Maryland: USM Procurement Policies and Procedures-Revisions to Appendix A: USM Uniform Terms and Conditions (information)

*Please note: the first item action occurs at 10:00 a.m., prior to the start of the closed session.