Board of Regents Committee on Finance November 16, 2017 Universities at Shady Grove AGENDA FOR PUBLIC SESSION Call to Order Chairman Pevenstein 1. Convening Closed Session (action)* 2. University of Maryland, College Park: 2017 - 2030 Facilities Master Plan Update (presentation and information) PRESENTATION 3. Opening Fall 2017 Enrollment and FY 2018 Estimated FTE Report - UPDATED (presentation and information) PRESENTATION 4. University of Baltimore: Assignment of Lease for the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Task Force from Mercyhurst University (action) 5. University of Maryland, College Park: Amended and Restated Lease for Graduate Hills and Graduate Gardens Apartments (action) 6. University of Maryland, Baltimore County: Transfer of Maryland Economic Development Corporation Property to UMBC (action) *Please note: the first item action occurs at 10:00 a.m., prior to the start of the closed session.