Civic Education and Community Engagement Leaders

The Civic Education and Community Engagement (CECE) Council

The CECE Council works to advance civic education, democracy engagement, community engagement, and service-learning across the System, supporting goals outlined in the USM's Vision 2030 Strategic Plan This advisory group reports directly to the Board of Regents and to multiple committees that report to the USM Chancellor.

This standing affinity group is charged with leading and consolidating USM's commitment to implementing the Regents' recommendations in the Regent's Task Force on Civic Education and Civic Engagement (2018) and Action Plan developed at the AACU Institute for Engaged and Integrative Learning (2023).

CECE Council Membership

Each USM institution will identify up to two representatives (with at least one senior level member) to serve two-year renewable terms on the USM CECE Council. The Council also will include student representatives from the Student Civic Leaders Committee and the USM Student Council. The CECE Council will identify co-chairs who will serve rotating and overlapping two-year terms.

Membership Roster

2024-2025 Council Co-Chairs

Nicole Marano
Associate Vice President for Student Success and Support Services
University of Baltimore

Alexander "Sandy" Pope
Associate Professor and Director of the Institute for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement
Salisbury University