Conference Presentations
Shapiro, N., Morgan, D. & Feagin, K. "Minding Curricular Change: Sustaining Mathematics Reforms at Maryland Colleges and Universities," presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, January 2020.
Shapiro, N., Morgan, D., Feagin, K. Short, F. (Towson University) & Hamman J. (Montgomery College) "Mathematics Pathways and The Paradox of Choice," at the AACU Annual Conference, Washington, DC, January 2020.
Shapiro, N. & Morgan, D. "Connections Between Dual Enrollment Experiences and Science Degree Attainment: An Examination of Longitudinal Evidence," presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, January 2019.
Morgan, D. "Everyone Counts: Reforming General Education Mathematics for Student Success," presented at the AACU, Creating a 21st Century General Education Conference, San Francisco, February 2019.
Shapiro, N. & Morgan, D. . "Better Together: Improving Educational Opportunities Through Collaborative P-20 Networks," ppresented at the Carnegie Summit, San Francisco, April 2019.
Morgan, D. "Unusual Allies: Connecting Undergraduate Mathematics Reforms to Civic Engagement and Learning Opportunities," Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities (SENCER), Cleveland, August 2019.
Morgan, D., Shapiro, N. & Feagin, K. "Using Logic Models to Understand Collaborative Network Development, Growth, and Sustainability," at the American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, November 2019.
Shapiro, N. "Partnership Power: Creating P-20 Networks to Increase Minority Participation in STEM and non-STEM majors," at the Carnegie Summit on Improvement in Education, San Francisco, April 2018.
Morgan, D. & Barrow, C. "The Minority Student Pipeline Math Science Partnership Story" pat the Education Commission of the States, STEM Dual Enrollment Policy Academy, Chicago, October 2018.
Shapiro, N., Morgan, D. & Ashby, J. (CCBC) "Transfer Issues with Alternative Math Pathways - The good, the bad and the ugly" National Association of System Heads (NASH) Webinar, December 2018.
Shapiro, N. "Maryland Mathematics Reform Initiative: A Pragmatic Approach to Reducing Remediation," presented at the NASH Wisconsin Workshop, Madison, WI, January 18, 2017.
Shapiro, N. & Morgan, D. "Finding a Balance: Purposeful Math Pathways," presented at the 2017 AACU Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, January 26-27, 2017.
Shapiro, N. "Math Pathways: Taking Student Success to Scale," presented at the NASH Math Pathways Webinar, USM, February 15, 2017.
Shapiro, N. "Maryland Mathematics Reform: A Policy Approach to Building Math Pathways," presented at the Summit on Mathematics Pathways, Indianapolis, IN, March 6-7, 2017
Shapiro, N. "Enacting Systemic Climate Change Education: Maryland and Delaware Climate Change Education, Assessment and Research (MADE CLEAR) Research and Practice for a Changing Planet," presented at the AERA 2016 Conference in Washington, D.C. April 8, 2016.
Shapiro, N. "The University System of Maryland Academic Course Redesign, and NASH TS3 Redesigning Math Pathways Agenda" presented at the NASH TS3 Convening, Dallas, TX, April 25-29, 2016.
Shapiro, N. "Teaching Mathematics: The Policy and the Pedagogy" (Keynote speech) presented at the MMATYC Conference, Community College of Baltimore County, MD, May 24, 2016.
Shapiro, N. "Taking Student Success to Scale: Math Pathways," presented at the SHEEO NASH Meeting, Baltimore, MD, July 12, 2016.
Morgan, D. "Equipping General Education Teachers to be STEM Professionals" and "The High Tide Lifts All Boats: Value of Pre K-20 Partnerships for Teaching and Learning," presented at the 2016 NSTA STEM Forum, Denver, CO, July 27-30, 2016.
Shapiro, N. "Making Early Childhood Education a P-20 Priority in Maryland: Why preschool is a pathway to college (Keynote Speech)" presented at the MDAEYC's Early Childhood Conference, Hagerstown, MD, September 30, 2016.
Morgan, D. "Using Logic Models to Guide School-University Partnerships," presented at the 2016 American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Atlanta GA, October 24-28, 2016.
Shapiro, N. "Math Pathways: Steps toward Solving the Remediation Problem," presented at the CSSO/NASH/SHEEO Meeting, Baltimore, MD, November 18, 2016.
Morgan, D. "Creating School and University Partnerships That Work," presented at the NSTA STEM Forum & Expo, Minneapolis, MN, 2015.
Morgan, D. "STEM: Moving Beyond Science," presented at the NSTA STEM Forum & Expo, Minneapolis, MN, 2015.
Morgan, D. "Proof of Evolution: The Journey to Create Useful Classroom Teaching Observations Tools," presented at the 28th Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association, 2014.
May, D. "The Effect of Context and Culture on Efforts to Bring Effective STEM Teaching to Scale," presented at the 14th Annual STEM Education Conference of the Triangle Coalition for STEM Education, Washington, DC, October 2014.
May, D., Armwood, L., Martin, F., Johnson, T., and Armfield, L. (2014). "From Mistakes to Mastery: Using misconceptions, mistakes, and missed opportunities for better learning and teaching." Science Teaching Webinar, Mid-Atlantic Equity Center, October 2014.
May, D. (2014). Understanding and Working Within a Campus's Climate for Supporting Transformation. Conference on the Academic Transformation of Teaching and Learning, Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation, 2014.
Morgan, D. (2014). "STEM Professional Development Connections" workshop. NSTA STEM Forum & Expo, New Orleans, LA, May 15, 2014.
Morgan, D., Armwood, L., Martin, F., Johnson, T., and Armfield, L. (2014). "From Mistakes to Mastery: Using scientific inquiry for better learning and teaching." NSTA STEM Forum & Expo, New Orleans, LA, May 15, 2014.
Morgan, D., Martin, F., Armwood, L., Armfield, L., and Johnson, T. (2014). "Partnering for Connected STEM Professional Development." NSTA STEM Forum & Expo, New Orleans, LA, May 16, 2014.
Shapiro, N. & Knepler, E. (2014). Maryland's journey of academic innovation. Talk given at
University System of Maryland Center for Academic Innovation's Brown Bag Lunch Series. Adelphi, MD, June 2014.
Knepler, E. & Williams, T. (2014). Connecting the dots: Aligning academia and industry for a
sustainable future. Research Talk given at University System of Maryland Center for Academic Innovation's Brown Bag Lunch Series. Adelphi, MD, May 2014.
Shapiro, N. & Knepler, E. (2014). Maryland's journey of academic innovation. Talk given at the
Lumina Foundation's Capstone Convening. Indianapolis, IN, April 2014.
Knepler, E., Klasik, D., & Sunderman, G. L. (2014). Academic transformations: Redesigning
college remedial courses to achieve equity. College Park, MD: Maryland Equity Project, The University of Maryland.
Knepler, E. (2014). Cybersecurity education: Strengthening academic and industry
engagement. Panel Discussion on Cyber-Security Collaborations at University Industry Demonstration Partnership General Meeting, Morgantown, WV, April 2014.
Knepler, E., Williams, T., & Shapiro, N. (2014). Industry and academic partnerships:
Perceptions of career services, students, faculty, and staff. Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 2014.
Knepler, E., & Williams, T. (2013). Comparing industry and academic partnerships in STEM
and business: Student, faculty, & staff perceptions. Poster presented at the American
Association of Colleges and Universities STEM Conference, San Diego, CA, October 2013.
May. D., Susskind, D., and Shapiro, N. (2013). Faculty Grassroots Leadership in Science Education Reform: Considerations for Institutional Change, Culture, and Context," Creative Education 4: 7B (special issue on Higher Education), July 2013.
Knepler, E. (2013). Influence of STEM policies on STEM degree production: A panel data a
analysis. Poster presented at the Association of Institutional Research Conference, Long Beach, CA, May 17 -22, 2013.
Morgan, D., Martin, F., Armfield, L., Armwood, L., and Johnson, T. (2013). From the Abstract to the Concrete: Making STEM Teacher Observations Meaningful for Improved Instruction. Presentation at 2013 NSTA STEM Forum, St. Louis, MO, May 15-18, 2013.
Tucker, S., Morgan, D., McLain, E., Curtis, R., Collay, M., and Schultz, R. (2013). Mapping the journey of educational partnerships using collaborative logic modeling. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, April 2013.
Knepler, E. Lee, Z., Williams, T., Shapiro, N, Morgan, E., and Susskind, D. (2013). The
intersection of higher education and P-20 councils: How practice became policy in one state. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, April 2013.
Knepler, E., Shapiro, N., & Williams, T. (2013). STEM Migration, Retention and Graduation
Patterns within a Public University System. Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching 2013 Annual International Conference in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, April 2013.
Knepler, E. & Shapiro, N. (2013). Student success for the 21st century: A system-wide perspective. Poster presented at the American Association for Colleges and Universities Student Success Conference, Miami, FL, April 2013.
May, D. (2013). The Impact of Early College/Dual-Enrollment Programs on Minority Student Persistence in STEM, paper presented at the 2013 Network for Academic Renewal conference, Student Success and the Quality Agenda, Association of American Colleges & Universities, Miami, Florida, April 2013
Morgan, D., Martin, F., Johnson, T., Armwood, L., Armfield, L., and Sandlin, S. (2013). Excuse me MIS: MIS-conceptions, MIS-takes, MIS-sed Opportunities. Panel presented at ASCD Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, March 17-19, 2013.
May, D., Morgan, D., and Lee, Z. (2013). The impact of different early-college/dual-enrollment programs on minority student persistence in science disciplines, presented at the annual Learning Network Conference of the NSF's Math Science Partnership program, Washington, DC, February 2013.
Shapiro, N., Knepler, E., & Williams, T. (2013). Students on the move: A STEM migration
analysis. Paper presented at the Association for Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, January 2013.
Knepler, E. Principal agent theory in higher education research: A critical
critique of the literature. (2012). Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Las Vegas, NV, November 2012.
May, D., Lee, Z. and Morgan, D. (2012). The impact of different early-college/dual-enrollment programs on minority student persistence in science disciplines. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Las Vegas, NV, November 2012.
Knepler, E., Shapiro, N., and Williams, T. (2012). Unlikely bedfellows: How industry and university system partnerships help recruit, retain, and transition students into STEM programs. Poster presented at the STEMTech, Kansas City, MO, October 2012 and the Association for Colleges and Universities Conference, Kansas City, MO, November 2012.
May, D. and Knepler, E. (2012). Increasing the number of minority students pursuing STEM in college. STEMtech Conference, Kansas City, MO, October 27-31, 2012.
May, D. and Knepler, E. (2012). The role of early-college experience in increasing degree completion. Paper presented at the Association for General and Liberal Studies Conference, Portland, OR, September 2012.
Knepler, E. and Shapiro, N. (2012). The new normal. Paper presented at the
Association for General and Liberal Studies Conference, Portland, OR, September 2012.
Shapiro, N., Spicer, D., Knepler, E., & Hearne, J. (2012). Innovative statewide course
redesign initiatives: An approach to improved access, retention and achievement. Poster presented at the American Association of Colleges and Universities Conference, Seattle WA, March 2012.
Shapiro, N., Knepler, E., Morgan, E., & May, D. (2012). Bridging gaps: starting college
in high school. Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges and Universities Conference, New Orleans, LA, February 2012.
Shapiro, N., Knepler, E., & Morgan, E. (2012). Student success for the 21st century: A
system-wide perspective. Paper presented at the American Association of Colleges and Universities Conference, Washington, D.C., January 2012.
Knepler, E., May, D., Morgan, E., & Shapiro, N. (2012). Partnerships and faculty engagement across education segments: Maryland's commitment. Poster presented at the Hawaii International Education Conference, Honolulu, HI, January 2012.
Knepler, E., Morgan, E., & Shapiro, N. (2012). Best and Brightest: Understanding the challenges of teaching and undergraduate learning in STEM teaching fields. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Education Conference, Honolulu, HI, January 2012.
Lee, Z., Knepler, E., & Shapiro, N. (2012). Common core standards and assessments: Shaping debates about assessment, accountability, and success. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Education Conference, Honolulu, HI, January 2012.
Knepler, E., Morgan, E., & Shapiro, N. (2012). Can professional collaboration help teachers retain content knowledge? Poster presented at the Hawaii International Education Conference, Honolulu, HI, January 2012.
May, D., Susskind, D., Shapiro, N., & Frank, J. (2012). Faculty grassroots leadership in science Education Reform: Considerations for Institutional Change, Culture, and Context. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Education Conference, Honolulu, HI, January 2012.
May, D., Shapiro, N. (2012). Creating a sustainable network of K-16 science faculty. Poster presented at the Hawaii International Education Conference, Honolulu, HI, January 2012.
Archived Conference Presentations 2001 - 2011