Information Technology Coordinating Council

Meeting Minutes
IT Security Resources
Middleware Resources
Microsoft Technology Workshops
Technology Days


The University System of Maryland (USM) Information Technology Coordinating Council shall coordinate information technology activities of the USM that transcend an individual campus. It is a forum for collaboration, communication, and joint action on information technology issues within the USM.


  • To seek opportunities for information technology collaboration among USM institutions that benefit the participating institutions
  • To identify and develop solutions for common information technology needs within the USM that are beyond the scope of any individual campus
  • To seek opportunities where the size and diversity of the USM can be used to common advantage
  • To find leveraged solutions for information technology problems faced by USM institutions in common
  • To develop information technology strategies that make the USM more coherent to external stakeholders such as off -campus students and prospective students, prospective employees, suppliers of goods and services, State government, and the citizens of Maryland
  • To identify and develop plans for activities that are more efficiently and/or effectively done by multiple campuses or System-wide
  • To monitor emerging technologies in higher education and promote the application of these technologies at peer institutions in the USM
  • To seek opportunities for common information architectures concerning standards, platforms, networks, applications, and data where such an approach will benefit the participating institutions and the USM
  • To identify and track best practices for aligning information technology with missions at peer institutions, including the use of information technology metrics
  • To develop sustainable funding models for information technology that may be broadly adopted