The mission of the Council of University System Staff (CUSS) is to provide a voice for non-bargaining Staff
employee concerns in reference to basic decisions that affect the welfare of the University
System of Maryland (USM) and its employees. CUSS speaks for all Nonexempt and Exempt Staff
employees on Regular and Contingent II Status, who are not represented by a union under
collective bargaining. CUSS is comprised of Staff employees with representatives from each
of the 12 USM institutions and the USMO. Institution membership is proportionate to the
number of Staff employees at the individual institutions with a minimum of two primary
members and two alternate members per institution.
CUSS was established by the USM Board of Regents in June 1992 and began meeting in October
1992 to provide advice on matters relating to the development and maintenance of the new USM
Pay Program for Staff employees. In 1995, CUSS presented SB 528 to the Maryland Senate and
House, asking for the codification of CUSS. The Senate and House voted unanimously in favor
of the codification, the General Assembly codified CUSS into law, and CUSS joined the Council
of University System Presidents, the Council of University System Faculty and the University
System Student Council as a permanent advisory council to the Chancellor and the BOR.
CUSS has direct communications with the Chancellor, the Board of Regents, and the Chancellor's
Council. Its responsibility is to consider and make recommendations on issues affecting Staff
employees. It is also responsible for keeping Staff employees informed on CUSS activities and
Systemwide related issues. The Chair and Past Chair of CUSS attend Board of Regents meetings,
with the Chair providing a report to the Regents and the Past Chair serving as a non-voting
Staff advisor to the Board of Regents. The CUSS Executive Committee meets with the Chancellor
as often as needed. CUSS representatives also meet with legislators in Annapolis once a year
in February during the Legislative Session.
CUSS has been actively involved on technical advisory groups (TAGs) and other advisory committees
concerning issues such as Nonexempt pay program, early retirement, domestic partners and contingent
employment, the most recent UMB-UMCP merger discussions, and during the last two legislative
sessions promoting the letter writing campaign using Cap-Wiz to address budget concerns with
the legislators. CUSS is committed to representing staff concerns by continuing to actively
participate on all levels within and beyond the University System of Maryland.
Information Sheet
2023-2024 CUSS Roster